Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dream? part 1

Well, i just woke up from my dream...
In a perspective of another.(Gorgeous girl)
wearing a frilly reddish pink dress and a corsage with a white rose that could be noticed by everyone.
dancing in a ball where the character was invited. (Baroque-era like ballroom).
Then the character excused herself and went out of ball-room
Outside the hall was a magnificent garden in which there was even a maze. She kneeled down and tied the shoelaces of her shoe. its one of those pointe shoes but it covers the legs a little more... as people looks at the character, she blushes and started to feel dizzy( she was wearing a very tight corset) and gets to a fainting room...

i wonder if this'll continue~*

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

. . .

I wonder what's with all the recent bad luck i'm having....
Firstly, as i was cycling on my way to the campus, my derailleur actually messed up and thanks to this... I may have to push my bike from Campus to Newtown =.=ll

Other than that, It's the Tests week and i'm not happy at all... Exam makes me stressful. Stress=Unhappy. Unhapy=Sad. Sad=Fail Tests. Fail Tests= Semster 4. Semster 4= Spend another 1k in my studies >_<. Fail again= Drop-out. Drop-out= Having a job which i can earn a lesser than average salary. Which will result in me being suicidal =.=ll

Anyways, Today= ECS, Tomorrow= Management and Friday it'll be Socialization as a Process.
Then on saturday i'll need to stay back in Kampar to finish off the outline and the first draft of the Academic English Assignment. My chosen topic= Child abuse

So in my case, i'll be researching on the Long-term Effects of Child Abuse on the Victims of Child Abuse.

I'll write my Introduction soon. As i'll also have to study the Heck out of ECS(Effective Communication Skills). Peace Out~!

Ps: Fate/Extra in English has been RELEASED~!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! Now this great news makes me less stressful... Now all i need to do is to download the .iso first and then i'll wait till my Package from arrive to my doorstep and then i'll start playing it XD

Also, If You(My Brother) were to see this post.. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THE PACKAGING. NO OPENDO PACKAGEO Comprende? ^_^