Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What i wrote for a friend

Love, is what I never knew for the past seventeen years of my life
Till the day I saw you, I never really knew what love was like.
But the moment my eyes was shifted and locked onto your lovely gaze,
The flow of time stopped as if your gaze was as long and lovely as the setting of an Indian Sun
Before meeting you, My life was dull, boring and colourless. But days after meeting and talking to you,
The Colourless scenes that i see everyday gradually blossomed with shades of different miracolous hues.

Remember the times we argued? Days later you would talk to me and we made up?
I know we would have alot of problems in the future
I know that we both may have to walk along an avenue of misfortunes
I also know that we may even have to part some day, some time, or even some place.
But if I don't say these 3 sentence, I may never be able to have a chance to say it to you again
So Here i go by saying these things to you with all my heart

I will make or try to make you happy everyday with all my might,
I'll also love and be loyal to you forever if you could answer me this question truthfully
Will you Merry me my dearest and my one and only love?

Even though this was not my friend's writing, I bet he Loved you very much so please fo
rgive him for not telling you that it was not his writing.

RIP. Amit Pall Singh A/L Balbir Singh.

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