Sunday, June 12, 2011

A quick review of what i've done this week

Let's see.
Firstly, I went to a Wedding Dinner on the 11th of June 2011 (My Auntie's son's wedding.)
I got an applause from the whole class on Friday for answering questions during Lecture 8D (Which i'm really happy about)
I managed to survive the First week of Tutorials~*
I Slept in late on Thursday (So i was late for Sociology's Tutorial) thus i arrived about 25 minutes late... [Which i'm not proud of]
Was able to see my Dear Cousin wearing a sweet dress during the wedding ^_^
Bought Principles of Economics and Statistical techniques in Business and economics.

I guess that's all 8D

Anyways, Long story short. T'was a GREAT WEEK~! I feel so refreshed.
Now.... Time to study.. =.=ll

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