Monday, August 15, 2011

Boundaries of emptiness. Part 2.

As i start to Wonder and contemplate about life and how empty it is, I actually realized that through emptiness that one can actually find the the thought of having infinite ideas just pouring out of the space which was originally devoid of emotions, thoughts, feelings, yearnings and such. Having the possibility of developing new thoughts or ideas will lead us to think about what we actually want.
"Want" in which we shall relate with the main drives of humans. which are Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and also Pride. Although you may remember these are the so called "Seven Deadly Sins" taken from a book called "The Bible". Do Not forget that it is normal for humans to indulge in those seven so called "sins". Why does human indulge in Gluttony, lust and greed? Why must humans be like a sloth, and has wrath, pride and envy?
Tis' actually simple if you were to understand what humans need. Humans must reproduce so that their species can continue to live on throughout time. Humans are gluttons as our ancestors actually ate to survive and thus it is embedded in our instincts to eat to survive. Accumulating fat which is an energy reserve so that we are able to work. Being greedy as it actually benefits ourselves. That said, Humans actually wants 'Relationships, families and such is actually due to the fact that we want benefits from them. Try asking yourself this. Would your parents give birth to you without expecting something in return? That being said, I can actually explain a whole lot more on why the other sins occur.

To the people who questions me and why would i write these things? I'd be happy to oblige with answering your question. I myself believe that nothing is Moral and immoral. It is fact that people sin. And it is a fact that people believe that sinning would result in us being condemned to internal damnation. But let's just think for once that there's no such thing as hell, nor even heaven. Will the majority not start sinning?
With this i can actually conclude that having a religion in a way is a type of social control in which the believers conform to the formal and informal norms written and governed by the church. Which will lead to a thing which is what sociologists calls "GroupThink" whereby religious people will normally blindly follow the majority races without questioning their actions and such.

The definition of "Groupthink" is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within groups of people. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative ideas or viewpoints

With this i can actually conclude that people who has religion is actually blinded by religion itself and disables them to think for themselves but to think for the benefits of the society. You can say that the thinking for the overall society is a good thing, but i would like to ask you. Dear readers. Is it really necessary to follow every single rules set by religion? Is it necessary to just follow what the group says without thinking and carefully evaluate the alternatives or the viewpoint of other people?

With what I've written above. I'll end my thoughts for today and conclude here stating. "To be continued"

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