Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Criticize me or even hate me however you want. But i myself will never change for things that are deemed irrelevent for my standards. The way i think as someone of free will will never change. Criticism? Why should i be afraid of criticism. The only bad thing i get from criticism is well... Nothing... Compared to the knowledge that i'll be getting from the judgement of the merits and faults by others

As I've stated.
"if someone wants to start an argument over something. Why do they have to point fingers at who's the one that shall start the argument? I mean.. Come on, If there's something wrong in your opinion. Just grow a pair and State what's wrong for god sakes.."

Criticism is always important for the growth of knowledge. unless you're a person of low intellect whom only wants other's attention by just posting shit and gets angry easily due to little criticism*

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