Monday, October 17, 2011

Rainy day. Yet again

Sitting on my bed writing this pathetic poem,
As i wonder deep in my own thoughts.
Regarding humanity and it's cruelest of mistresses whom,
has no doubt made my life utterly miserable.
For you see for today have i not
been able to satisfy my esurience for mortal foods.

As some tells of rainy days in which
People whom usually commute with only two wheels
are to be wet with drenchness of compounds
The triangular love affair between Hydrogens and Oxygen
Mixing into an orgasm of unique watery drops
Forever copulating repeatedly with unmatchable Fervor

Hath I be able to satisfy my lust,
Of consumption of nourishments to satisfy this hunger
Shall i be able to start laboring assignments
On this rainy day which brings waters beyond
from earthly realms to this wretched watering hole.
Providing supplements for the floras and faunas.

To summarize with the main idea of writing this....
It's raining and if i were to ride my bike to get some food, i'd be drenched in rain... I'm really hungry but i don't want to get wet >_<ll

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