Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Over-Analyzing the anal*yzer..

Okey. Now if i were to "over-analyze" which i would eventually regarding all conversations due to the fact that i'm somewhat an over-analyzer who actually dreams of being a psychologist someday~*

Anyways, what i can see over there regarding the way he was talking is in a way. Defensive. Now how do i characterize a defensive conversation. It is when one actually tries very hard to hide something in which he is not able to hide due to his innate inability to fake a special characteristics in a conversation.

Looking at the original post. One can actually see that he is is only stating a special symbol in which relates to my so called "Fragile mind" and worries that i might somehow get "out-of-Hand". I wonder how out of hand[Sarcasm] can i get from him saying those things that will somehow "Hurt my Feelings".

"anyways dont think this personal its just sometimes you just take things too hard thats all so i worry for you that you might just get out of hand your pretty fragile but dont take this the wrong way im just tell you thats all " Personal eh? I wonder how much does he really knows me regarding my twisted personality of constantly "Judging and criticizing" other people XDD But Truth be told he really does have a point there due to the fact that i'm closely analyzing the way he writes the replies.
I really don't know why but all the replies points to the fact that he's trying his very best to either not "Hurt me" or just to hide the fact that he actually did delete his post after my comments.

Will Re-edit this post to post more observable things in this conversation.

PS: If you want to know what i actually wrote in Facebook~* It's the same thing in which i wrote in the previous post~*

~* The Original Post - Not Edited in any way.

ok dude we need to talk
you are not the only friend i have on facebook

=.=ll Anyways.. What's so bad about a little criticism? If they can't take it. Just Ignore them~* What's so wrong about giving a little bit of critism
regarding your deleted comment*

well its my right isnt it


so if they said that they dislike it
so i feel bad for them so i delete the post

"well its my right isnt it " Ah~* Now that i cannot argue~*

dude even if you want to start an argument i dont mind but all im saying is that you were not the cause of it you did not start it


if you still do not believe me then that is your rights and that is your thinking

i believe ya~*
what's there not* to believe o.0~?

i dont know because you posted that status on your wall seems to be like you are thinking you started it

It was just on my mind =.=ll

but all im saying is that its not you, you did not start it

i actually wrote that before you posted your new post =.=ll i just have not posted it yet~*
was* actually a blogpost~*
on* blogspot

but dude its like 9 minuts ago and its preety much like after my post
as in after i deleated the post so im just scaptical
but anyways the past is the past just telling you because i dont want you to get the wrong idea

Blogpost~* Writing in blog ~> Copy Paste~*
Then Edit in Blog- Post in Facebook

yes i know


anyways dont think this personal its just sometimes you just take things too hard thats all
so i worry for you that you might just get out of hand
your pretty fragile
but dont take this the wrong way im just tell you thats all

mm hmm~*
aren't you being a little wee bit defensive there?

as in

what you're actually writing points to the fact that i may get hurt a lot just due to a little misunderstanding~*

true i mean from years of being friend you have been like that

oh really~*

but dont take it personal
thats all im saying

okey then~*

i mean remember that time i just tag you one a picture and i did say things but not that hard and then you deleted and block me on facebook. Kindda like that

okey then So now... Why are you still trying to convince me to take it personal although i'm trying to point out the fact that it's already okey~?

because im still worried for you man
scared you cant handle it
anyways i got to go now anyways
so i'll see you some other time

uh huh.

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