Sunday, July 3, 2011

Facebook Discussions. part 2

<~'s kinda bored so....
Let's have a discussion~* If anyone's interested.
Anyone has any opinions on Atheism~?
(Please don't hold back and just speak what's in your mind.) If you're interested XD
June 26 at 11:32pm · ·
    • Ken Lim hmm, i'll say that i do agree with some of Atheism's ways even though i'm not an atheist myself. LOL
      June 26 at 11:36pm ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken any examples~?
      June 26 at 11:37pm ·
    • Ken Lim like do not believe in things that has no scientific base behind it. such as believing that there is a great DIVINE being that is controlling over everything in this world. I don't believe that such a being exist in this world.
      June 26 at 11:40pm · · 1 person
    • Az Han n u are not an atheist in wat way?
      June 26 at 11:42pm · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Question~* Have you guys ever thought of why did humans create religion~?
      June 26 at 11:45pm ·
    • Az Han what if its not human who create it, but juz give a name to a thing thats alrady there, like human, who is the one that come up with the name human for human?
      June 26 at 11:47pm ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Az, i think that's called Classification ^_^
      anyways, *to give a name to something that's already there*. How does one(human) know that there is someone/something that has omnipotent power that exists in this world~?
      June 26 at 11:49pm ·
    • Ken Lim to instill fear among other humans? or scare people away from doing bad deeds or crime? or the person who started it wants to be the leader of the society by using religion as the excuse?
      June 26 at 11:49pm · · 2 people
    • Az Han how abt to have somewhere to hold on to when all is fail
      June 26 at 11:50pm · · 1 person
    • Az Han if there is no greater power then y is it till today nobody ever make another living being other than by the normal birthway? when we know exactly wat molecules is inside us
      June 26 at 11:52pm ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken
      ah, both of you do have a point. But, about having something to hold on when everything fails you. Isn't that somewhat of a make-believe~?

      Az* ( if there is no greater power then y is it till today nobody ever make another living being other than by the normal birthway? when we know exactly wat molecules is inside us) actually, it was done a few years ago and tis' called cloning. But most of the researchers that were in this field(Cloning) was forced to research inefficiently due to restrictions which is due to human ethics.
      June 26 at 11:55pm ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Definition of Ethics: (also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality—that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice, etc.) quoted from wiki
      June 26 at 11:56pm ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken From Ken (instill fear among humans or scare people away from doing bad deeds or crime? or the person who started it wants to be the leader of the society by using religion as the excuse?) . so wouldn't define religion as a large communist group~?
      June 26 at 11:59pm ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken ‎(42) And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and in fellowship ... (44) And all that believed were together, and had all things in common; (45) And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. Quote from Wiki (From the Bible) [King James Version]
      June 27 at 12:00am ·
    • Az Han well.. all those so called clone were derived from once a living subject and mutated to a so called clone, wat mean is if u were to take each organ of a living thing then put it some other thing would call that making a living thing or just transfering one to another?
      June 27 at 12:04am · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken ah, even transferring one's cell to another host, it's still generating a new life rather than just cloning a person right~?
      Even though people may have similar genes, they would be completely different person if they were to live in different conditions right~?
      What i'm trying to say is that even though they may look alike, it doesn't mean that they'll act the same way as the other.
      June 27 at 12:08am ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Don't worry, it's okey for people to have different opinions. This is actually what makes human human 8D
      But it's actually very interesting in hearing what other people thinks ^_^
      June 27 at 12:12am ·
    • Az Han that would be like putting a new hard disk to an old laptop, sure the laptop will hav a new life, better capacity perhaps but its already there, u need the whole circuit boards to make it a laptop,
      June 27 at 12:13am · · 1 person
    • Az Han now try and put the same example to a human, i dont think i ever heard of a human being assembled from a scratch
      June 27 at 12:14am ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken
      Az : ( that would be like putting a new hard disk to an old laptop, sure the laptop will hav a new life, better capacity perhaps but its already there, u need the whole circuit boards to make it a laptop.) True to that, but For humans in myopinion it's quite different. Because When one uses the gene from another person, it doesn't mean that one's using a *New hard disc for an old Laptop*. If you were to say this, wouldn't it mean that we are also old laptop using new hard discs because our genes are passed on from our ancestors. Even i don't think that human can be assembled like that. The only difference between Cloning and Normal birth is that One only use one of the parent's gene while the other uses Both the parent's gene
      June 27 at 12:18am ·
    • Az Han if we were to use laptop as example i would say we are a newer laptop from the same brand, but that doesnt mean we are better than our parents, wat im trying to say in this is that u cant make a human being, u can process a sperm and ovum to make it a human but thats just it.. i dont think human have the ability to make anything with soul no matter how advance we are
      June 27 at 12:26am ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken and how can one explain what a soul is~?
      i mean, it's not scientifically proven that there is such a thing that's called a human *soul* right~?
      Also, does that mean that dolly the sheep had no *soul*?
      June 27 at 12:29am ·
    • Az Han a lot of things is not scientifically provable, and a lot of things today is not scientifically provable yesterday
      June 27 at 12:34am ·
    • Az Han as for soul.. i really dun hav an argument on that
      June 27 at 12:34am ·
    • Az Han its personal matter like why some prefer white while some prefer black
      June 27 at 12:35am ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken
      ‎(a lot of things is not scientifically provable, and a lot of things today is not scientifically provable yesterday)
      but alot of things were proven scientifically since years ago. Even though we may not have the explanations now, it does not mean that there won't be any explanations for alot of stuffs in the future.
      For example. Since last time, alot of people said that Technological innovations were the work of the devils. But they only said that because they never tried to understand the new innovations.

      (its personal matter like why some prefer white while some prefer black) what's personal~?
      June 27 at 12:40am ·
    • Jfkthesecond Wing Soon when we do develop artifical wombs and artificial lifes, will we be called gods?
      June 27 at 8:59am ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong all i need to say is this.. in the olden days, human were not capable of producing lightning, and that is why we had lightning gods.. not any more isn't it? because we've discovered how it is produced and we can produce it ourselves. and that is definitely not the work of the lightning god.
      June 27 at 8:25pm · · 1 person
    • Jfkthesecond Wing Soon to kill a god: forget him
      June 27 at 9:13pm ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong ‎>because he lives only in our minds
      June 27 at 9:14pm ·
    • Jfkthesecond Wing Soon for he cannot exist if he is not physical
      June 27 at 9:14pm ·

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