Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Thing about Arguments

Not all arguments and discussion with difference of opinion would lead to hostility.
Sometimes, It's very healthy to have these kinds of conversations as it would also increase your awareness of things and also enables you to understand other people. Which sometimes leads to closeness of friendship. Here's an Example

‎"What makes your wants and needs more important than everione else's? Critical thinking condemns such special pleading. It demands that we weigh evidence and arguments objectively and impartially. Ultimately, it demands that we revere truth - even when it hurts." < love this Kenneth Hooi Wing KenKen Lim
19 hours ago · · · Remove Tag
  • You, Ken Lim and Shui Sheng Tan like this.
    • Ken Lim this is about unbiased fairness.
      19 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong wow i think i talked about almost all these stuff with u in school..
      19 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Even though it hurts. ^_^
      But what hurts more is the fact that people would tend to think otherwise compared to the statement above. Heck, Even some critical thinkers would forget this basic principle.
      Agrees with the statement above*
      19 hours ago ·
    • Ken Lim i dont remember u overrating yourself... except when u are comparing yourself with those people that you dislike lor
      19 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong in some ways, i think of critical thinking as a way to let humans think scientifically, logically and pursue truth above all else, which inevitably leads to our atheism. hell yeah.
      19 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken In Short, Religion is actually something that makes a person judge things poorly based on non-scientific approaches.(Make Believe)
      19 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken XD
      19 hours ago ·
    • Ken Lim but it is quite hard to find a pure critical thinker because at the end of the day, our instincts or attitude might have control over some of our decision making.... we're merely humans after all and we will make mistakes. its either we did more mistake or less mistake.
      19 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Voon Soon Yoong well i do overrate myself sometimes, but when it comes to comparing myself with ppl i dislike, (i'm definitely not overrating myself because they're too much of shit to even be considered in my league)
      19 hours ago · · 2 people
    • Voon Soon Yoong given the assumption that i only dislike idiots. which is of course absolutely true. hahaha
      19 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken
      Taken from* A Problem of Evil.

      God exists.
      God is omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good.
      A perfectly good being would want to prevent all evils.
      An omniscient being knows every way in which evils can come into existence.
      An omnipotent being, who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence, has the power to prevent that evil from coming into existence.
      A being who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence, who is able to prevent that evil from coming into existence, and who wants to do so, would prevent the existence of that evil.
      If there exists an omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good being, then no evil exists.
      Evil exists (logical contradiction).

      Problem solving by Critical Thinking.

      Ah KenLim. You do have a very good point there.
      19 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken ‎"well i do overrate myself sometimes, but when it comes to comparing myself with ppl i dislike, (i'm definitely not overrating myself because they're too much of shit to even be considered in my league)"

      LOL. Anyways, for the longest time i've been wondering. What do you actually think of me as? Voon Soon Yoong
      19 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong here's what happened. ppl believe that god is omnipotent and perfectly good. god loves them. BUT (there's always a but), god doesnt like it when lucifer gets "cocky", throws him into the "void" aka hell, make him do the dirty work of torturing us for eternity because we simply dont believe in him. i repeat. God is perfectly good. oh sure he is.
      19 hours ago · · 2 people
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Logical contradiction. Thus proving that there's not an omnipotent being of pure good called god.
      19 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong people like to ask me what i think of them. i take it as the highest form of compliment. but i am in no position to judge, i only judge those who i consider as "lower level life forms"
      19 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Ken Lim both of your arguments regarding god's existence is extremely high level for my feeble mind... i havent reach both of your levels yet in critical thinking.....
      19 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken ‎"but i am in no position to judge" A wise choice of words indeed. Spoken by a true critical thinker.
      19 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong well seriously, atheists have more reasons not to believe in god than reasons to say "wtf"
      19 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken LOL
      19 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong random opinion, if a critical thinker wants to change the world, he/she must first become a hypocrite, how else would he/she acquire the social status, influential power, resources and so on to help him/her on his/her mission..
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Ken Lim here is is something that i think i noticed... usually successful people dont really pray much or demand much from god but only those people who are desperate often prayed to god asking for miracle or help...
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong i hate it when my download speed is lower than my upload speed.
      18 hours ago ·
    • Ken Lim does this indicates that people with brains and logical thinking wont often ask for god's help?
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken
      Or the Critical Thinker would only follow suit with what he thinks is right and therefore change what others think therefore changing the world little by little. There's actually no need to acquire a high social status, influential power or resources as If what others judge what the person says as the right thing. What's right would generally be distributed to everyone even though it is slow.

      In my opinion, Changing the world doesn't actually need that much power, status and such. What it actually needs are Influential thoughts. And that alone will change the world.
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken KenLim. In my Opinion, God doesn't help everyone. Instead, It's just something that watches what we do... and observe... and observe... and observe... and observe... and observe... and to be forgotten by humanity itself.
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Voon Soon Yoong
      successful people are smart and experienced enough to know that god either doesnt exist, or wil never answer their prayers/help them get what they want. only those who wait for miracles blindly and are not smart or hardworking enough to help themselves pray for things.. or you can think of it this way, ppl who are smart enough to be successful are smart enough to see reality, and ppl who aren't smart enough to be successful are equally not smart enough to see this reality.
      18 hours ago · · 2 people
    • Voon Soon Yoong in my opinion, in this realistically retarded world, the rate of retards born will be higher than the rate of ppl converted into critical thinking, and hence producing a net production of retards, which wil never let the world be better little by little. just an opinion.
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Voon Soon Yoong into critical thinkers*
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken LOLWTF Reality PAWN.....
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong truth is always the top priority isn't it. everyone can be a philosopher but hardly anyone can make those things happen. why? reality is, this world is cruel selfish greedy and retarded.
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Ken Lim well, if there are so many retards at this world, maybe it would be good news to critical thinkers like the two of you because you two have lots of advantages over them and it increases your chances of reaching a higher status either in work or in society.
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong critical thinkers will not wish or want such advantages, we'll take it if that's the most we can get but our ultimate wish is for a better unified happy world of humanity and harmony with all living things, all working together for the greater good, liberty, progress and peace.. to achieve what the ultimate goal of religion should be.
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken
      Ken. Even though i kinda agree with you, The downside of Myself is that i don't actually have any high social status, or even a very good academic result. Therefore i'm not actually being more advantageous than the rest but merely thinkingbetter than the rest.
      This proves that Results aren't everything.
      Take Voon here for instance, A high scorer yet he's able to judge things critically in a very good way.
      There are also other high scorers out there but they don't usually chat with others regarding these topics as they would deem it to be very bad topic.
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken ‎"to achieve what the ultimate goal of religion should be." Which is assimilation to nothingness.
      I mean... It's good to have a religion and such... But there are some that practices religion till the point of being an Extremist.
      You get what i mean right? (Al Qaeda, Westboro...)
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong i cannot take myself seriously sometimes, as i am in disbelief towards myself, seeing that i was once a person who skipped school to go play dota in cyber cafes. but i never regretted it, great experience.
      18 hours ago ·
    • Ken Lim Kenneth, well you will never know what will happen later in the future. maybe one day when you go out and starts to work, your advantages in critical thinking might come in handy for you. but still one can never tell what will happen in the future.
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken ‎" but still one can never tell what will happen in the future." Agrees Wholeheartedly
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong thx for your countless compliments.. i appreciate it and take it as a motivation to further improve myself in all ways..
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken <~'s more of an RPG/Online game players. As i like to interact rather than just to Kill and kill and kill mindlessly.
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken ‎"thx for your countless compliments" o.0~? But tis' the truth that i speak XD
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong thx for your countless compliments.. i appreciate it and take it as a motivation to further improve myself in all ways..
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong although i'm a top scorer, i always said that results aren't everything and i'm proud that i never compared the "quality" of a human being by the excellence of his academic performance Ken Lim will know what im saying..
      18 hours ago · · 2 people
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken ‎=.= i always have this fault when commenting in which i normally delete my last post if i were to quickly spot a grammatical mistake...
      18 hours ago ·
    • Ken Lim hey, i notice that the three of us can chat rather well at here. maybe one day we should find some time to go out and have some discussions at some tea shop. haha =D
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Tea/Coffee 8D
      <~ Likes Both
      18 hours ago ·
    • Ken Lim yeah, i know what u mean. i know you dint look down on me even though my results are crappy.
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong just thinking about the number of persons in my friends list who can fit into this discussion saddens me..
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Dude... Kenny don't worry, I think i had crappier results than you..
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong i admit that i look down on ppl for many reasons. crappy results, not one of them.
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken <~ Only scored for Both English(EST,English) Tests with A's.. Others are B,C,C,C,D,D =.=ll
      18 hours ago ·
    • Ken Lim LOL, i'm not kenny
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken KenLim* XD
      18 hours ago ·
    • Ken Lim i got one failed subject in spm though... which means it is more crappy
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong i guess the main thing that helped me with my critical thinking is my realist attitude.. and that's why i know what i need for my future..
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken But even so... I don't think that Our Subject(Critical Thinking)'s actually teaching other people how to think critically. Rather, It's just to teach them how to write better essays for assignments and such...
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken LOL KenLim* The reason i did not fail any of my SPM Subject is that i myself Dropped Add-Maths and replaced it with EST... or else i would've also failed a subject.
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Plus, On critical thinking*
      I'm also having a really hard time remembering all those definitions and the type of arguments and such.. =.=ll
      <~ Has a very bad memory...
      18 hours ago ·
    • Ken Lim i see.... for me memorizing is not really a problem because i don't have much difficulty in memorizing if the subject catches my interest. by the way, i think i got to go now. i'll talk to u two later next time. sorry about my sudden departure from this conversation because i had to go to sleep...
      18 hours ago ·
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Good night~*
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong
      about that, me too. im too lazy to read those technical definitions, terms etc etc... but instead im more interested in reading those philosophical, ethical stuff, which to me, is what it's all about. and not that pattern of argument bullshit. you're right about teaching them how to write better essays, because critical thinking is not something that one can just read, study and pick up.. it's more like something that you either know, or don't know. regardless of whether you get to study it as a subject, get wad i mean
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Ken Lim good night to you two. bye bye
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken ‎"because critical thinking is not something that one can just read, study and pick up.. it's more like something that you either know, or don't know. regardless of whether you get to study it as a subject, get wad i mean" Agrees~!
      18 hours ago ·
    • Voon Soon Yoong good night, im sleeping too. ciao
      18 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Night~*
      18 hours ago · · 1 person

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