Friday, September 16, 2011



1.PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS                    C+
2. BASIC ENGLISH                                          A
3.CRITICAL THINKING                                  B+
5.MATHEMATICS FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE    B-  <~ I thought i was a goner for sure with my Maths.
GPA  3.1100

I'M SO HAPPY I CAN ACTUALLY SHOUT IT OUT TO THE WHOLE WORLD~!!! Whoever said that Boys can't express their happiness XD

Anyways. Time to write about my next semester's schedule.
Firstly, due to myself having Mondays off for the whole Semester 2, I think i would either be jogging or doing some other activities during the morning and study till evening ^_^  Man, I <3 having days off.
Secondly, Due to myself picking the timetable which enables me to have a day off which is on Mondays, my Tuesdays till Friday for the whole semester will all start at 8.00 in the Morning. Thus concluding that I'll need to wake up around 6.30 in the Morning from the Tuesdays to the Fridays of my whole semester two.

Looking back, Semester one was HELLUVA FUN~!!!! THANKS Benny(Benny Boii), Linkin[LOL]Goh(雨城), Eugene(Eugene Koh), Troy(Kin Tuan Troy), Yoko(Yoko Tang Yen Yee), Alex(Alex Yang), Sarah(Sarah Michelle Chu), Sonia(Sonia Sasha Mathew), Miin(RongMiin Tan) , Stanley(Stanley Ho Ming Foong)
And also Manggo(Manggo Yuan) for the food ^_^ t'was nice and i really enjoyed the meal 8D

Now Moving on to what i did during my semester break.
1. I visited the Teachers of my Secondary school with my friend whom I'm acquainted with during my secondary school days Mr.SevenOnions(Seven Cheah) and i even got to chat a lil' with the current Form 5 Students XD... Although i wonder where the heck did Richard(Claudius Choiseul) went =.=ll Never got to see him that day...

2. I GOT MAH RESULTS AND WAS REALLY HAPPY on Thursday 15th of September around 9.25 P.M

3. Regaining my sanity back a few hours later after the euphoric sensation of Adrenaline gushing into my brains when i checked my results.

4. Learned how to play "Wonderwall" and also "Don't look back in Anger" by Oasis <~ I LOVE THEM~!!!

5. Checked the Price of a Guzheng, a Sax and also a Keyboard  [Both the Guzheng and Sax costs around 2k+] While the Keyboard costs around 4-7k. (Maybe i should check the price of the Roland Keytar)...

6. Arranged my Schedule for next semester.

7. Prepared Everything for my next semester~! (FULL FLEDGED STUDY MODE FOR A SCORE OF 3.6~!!!)

8. Finding some free time to chat with Shauny(Shauna Brewer)

9. Finding more free time to write this blogpost XD

10. Listening to more old songs~*

What i never got to do during this sem-break >_<ll
1. Visiting my fav* cousin (Paik Suan Quah)

2. Reading the books that i've bought....

3. Learning some simple words from some random foreign language <~ Well.. i'm learning one everyday so scratch that.

4. Yum-Cha'ing with my school acquaintances in Ipoh >_<ll

5. Getting Enough Sleep... =.=ll (Boy am i actually tired)

6. A lot of other stuffs.

But all in all. I'll just conclude all of what i've stated above with a sentence.
Goodbye Semester 1 of Foundation studies. HELLO SEMESTER TWO. よろしくお願いします。

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