Thursday, September 22, 2011

What i should be attaining and what i should/should not be doing

Re-Managing my goals yet again for UTAR
Let's see.
Firstly there's my own personal rule of not going to any clubs till i reach the age of 18+ which is coming around in 3 months time. Then there's always the rule of drinking but not till the level of being drunk.
Thirdly, Never miss a class.(Missing a class or being late to one will definitely cost me a lot. There's just too much stuff being thought in the lectures and tutorials.)... Other than that. There's actually a lot more things that i should be doing and such. So i'll just list down one by one.
1.Clubbing ~> Definite No till i reach the age of 18
2. Drinking~> Okey. But Not binge drinking. and definitely not drinking till i'm drunk.
3. Class ~> Never miss one and try hard to not be late for one.
4. Tests~> A week before tests= No going out with friends unless it's for study purpose.
5. Computer~> Only use for facebooking for information and searching for other information
6. Stocks~> Try to learn how to invest in stocks that's profitable.
7. Sexual Harassment~> Try not to over-do it.
8. Sleeping~> Must be/try to sleep at 2.00 and before.
9. Notes~> Make my own notes.(Micro/MacroEconomics, Management is a MUST).
10. Friends~> Not to piss them off nor alienating them(But not to overindulge in social networks).

On a side-note..... I just woke up around 1.30 just now and i thought it was 1.30PM.... If you know'd definitely know how will i be like when things like these occur... I panicked.. i bathed... i completed everything and i was about to get to school.... until i realize it was AM... HOW EMBARRASSING WAS THAT! =.=ll
At least i'm not late for class =.=ll

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