Friday, May 27, 2011

Nightmare, Number one

After 4 days of being gone from my room. Yesterday, i went back to Ipoh and cleaned my room a bit more so that it would look nicer and more spacious... But, that's not what i'm gonna write about =.=ll

Here's what happened in my dream.
I don't know much about the detail, but it's somewhere between University life.. I think it's just before graduation. I had a farewell party with my dorm-mates. We were happy but the dorm does not look like the dorm that i live in. Rather, it looked like what was inside an abandoned ship. One of my dorm-mate was a captain-esque' figure and the whole place was 'run-down' and dirty.

After having a few conversation, One of the 'crew' decided to flatter the captain by commenting on his looks. Saying that he's young and brilliant. Then everyone became quiet and my heart was beating as fast as a the normal tempo of a trance song... The captain then went back to his room without a sound and then we discussed that the guy who mentioned what was mentioned shouldn't have done that and we're all doomed... Then i remembered something in my dream. Probably a dream within a dream that the captain actually murdered his entire family just because he was jealous to be the youngest sibling born in his family...

We then went back to our rooms to get some rest as it was nightfall. Suddenly, i heard a loud and piercing scream that chilled the very bottom of my spine. I tried my best to not panic and peeked out of my door... It was the guy being stabbed by the captain with a large knife that was quite similar to an Unagisaki hocho (鰻サキ包丁) or an Eel-cutting knife.. Suddenly, there was this white flash and the background changed to somewhere else where everyone was running from him. One by one, everyone went missing except for me and someone next to me. I don't remember much from here but i remember being alone, in a deserted town that looked like the Kampar Newtown with a Venice'esque waterways. All of the inhabitants came out of their shops and started chasing me and i just went down to one of the waterway and swam across somewhere where there was nobody in sight. One of them also managed to swam across and bit me.

Then there was a change of scene where i was out somewhere having a barbecue party in a surburban area. Then suddenly, everyone was looking at me with the same kind of eye as the inhabitants from the last part.
Everyone, standing in a circle circling me then just came further and further.. and tore my limbs apart.

After that, i was at the same scene in which i was one with the crowd. Then i was stabbed by someone.

Then the sequence of dream came to an end...
It was so surreal. yet it was very vividly lucid dream. I don't really know what it means but i wouldn't want to experience it again.. it was exhaustingly horrifying even though i know that it was only just a dream.
Oh yeah, if i have never mentioned it to you, Normally when i sleep, the only thing i dream are Nightmares, if i don't have any kind of nightmare, or i'll just close my eyes and then open it in the morning... It's like having 5-7 hours of sleep and just compressing it into 1 second like a blink of an eyes... if you know what i mean..

That's all for today. Please don't let me have that same dream again....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

More updates~!

Okey.. after asking around... Here's the summary of what i've learned 8D

When one's in Foundation year, One has to complete the whole course without any failures either by hook or by crook... One fail and i'll have to repeat the whole class again.. and it costs around 400+... One can only stay in the Foundation Year for 2 years..(not that i'm planning to stay for that long =.=ll)

Secondly, One has to go for every single Lectures and tutorials... and also Practicals.. to gain Credit Hours. Which is very useful for scoring in the exam( therefore one must not miss any lessons that's given.

Thirdly, It is optional to join any Co-curricular and Societies. So some of the senior's advice is to not join any of them till you have finished Foundation. or it'll take a hell lot of your time which can be used for studying.

Then, There are three cafeterias for now in UTAR.. which one of them is located in Block C, Which is the biggest Canteen for now. It Accommodates around 400+
Then there's one in Block G, which is below the library. It accommodates 40+ people only as it's one of the smallest cafeteria. Then there's also one between block D&E... Which i don't know how many can it accommodate...
There are more than 2k students at the University so... i doubt i'll have time to be able to get stuffs in the canteen before the next class.. so i think i'll skip Breakfast and lunch for now... Well, There's also another canteen that's currently in making. which is a new Block from the Development of Phase 2 of Kampar UTAR. Which is set to be completed around 2012.

Next. about Credit-Time, you'll be safe if you are to attend all the classes stated. Just remember not to be absent from class unless there's an Emergency....

Then, there's also The formula to calculate CGPA :
[ total of ( credit hours X score ) ]/ Total credit hours]

Also, a note from my dorm-mate. "NEVER FOOL AROUND EVEN THOUGH IT'S FOUNDATION STUDIES! Especially when you're in the Science Stream, The rate of passing is at least 2.0 . any less that that and you'll have a hell of a hard time in University."

Orientation Programme.

Anyways, The first day of Orientation was quite a day. There was an Induction programme which was a short bus tour around the Kampar town. Let me tell you why i joined that programme..
Firstly, It was only 1$ and they even provided Sandwich and a Bottle of Mineral Water....
Yes... I'm actually saving thus i went with the tour just for the sandwich =.=ll... Talk about desperate...
Then there was also a tour on the Campus ground in which we walked around the whole campus. They were quite informative on what the buildings were for and what's Special there.

Here's the summary of what the blocks are for.

Block A: Heritage Building
This is the building in which events like Mass meet, The UTAR ball, etc.etc. and talks are held at.

Block B: Teaching and Learning Complex I
This building is used mainly for Foundation studies.

Block C: Student Pavilion
The Largest canteen's on this block. The Public Bank , a Stationery shop, Counselling rooms, and also the Department of Student affairs are located here.

Block D and E: Laboratories and Lecture Halls I
This building's mainly Used for conducting Lectures and also Practicals for Science students
There's also another canteen located over here.

Block F: Administration Building
This one's mainly used to settle Bills, payments and such. This is where the Financial Department's located. (You can also buy your bus tickets here)[Also this is where you pay your fines...]

Block G: Library
Need i say more o.0~?
well, there's also another canteen located here.

Block H : Teaching and Learning Complex II
As i remember from the tour, This is normally only used for students that's studying their Degrees.

Block I : Lecture Halls
More lecture halls.

Block J: Engineering Workshops
This is normally used for students from the Engineering field. Where they normally conduct their Practicals here.

Another side note,
One of the tour guide said that there are 'Weird weird' animals that she has never seen before as she's from KL. And told us not to catch them and barbecue them...

So, after today, I'll be going back to Ipoh for a day and then head to KL till Saturday-Sunday... I need to get me a new pair of shoes... The ones i'm using are actually safety boots which is as heavy as a lead block*(you get the point)...

The Campus of the University that i'm attending.


Perak Campus, which sits on a 1300-acre piece of land donated by the Perak State Government, is located in the growing township of Bandar Barat Kampar in Perak. Strategically located off the North-South highway, Perak Campus is 190 km or a two-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur. Flanked by picturesque mountains, dotted with scenic lakes and located within a growing township, Perak Campus offers a conducive, environment-friendly and community-fostering setting that enhances and fulfils the learning, teaching, research, and social needs of students and staff. This modern and aesthetically pleasing Campus features state-of-the-art educational facilities, and provides students with access to some of the latest learning technologies and research innovations. The Campus welcomed its first batch of students in May 2007.

The campus houses five faculties, namely : Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS), Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF), Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT), Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT), and Faculty of Science (FSc). The Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS Pk) and Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS Pk) is also located in this campus.

Block A: Heritage Building

Block B: Teaching and Learning Complex I

Block C: Student Pavilion

Block D and E: Laboratories and Lecture Halls I

Block F: Administration Building

Block G: Library

Block H : Teaching and Learning Complex II
Block I : Lecture Halls

Block J: Engineering Workshops

In addition, the Campus has facilities like gymnasium, basketball court, volleyball court and so forth for sports and extra-curricular activities.

The continuous growth of the University has led to further capacity expansion with the launch of Phase Two of the Perak campus development. The Phase Two, which is targeted to be completed in 2012, will include a Grand Hall with a seating capacity of 4,000, lecture theatres and tutorial rooms, a cafeteria, and more parking space. With the addition of learning and teaching facilities, the Perak Campus is set to provide a comprehensive learning experience.

found this somewhere off UTAR's Main website...

1,300-acre (5.3 km2) =.=ll... Cycling thru and fro will be the death of my Fat reserve.. *I Will* get this by the end of the Trimester T_Tll

Thursday, May 19, 2011

After not playing Kagetsu Tohya for 2 days.

University life Begins in 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days 3 days. 3 days.
did i mention i love spamming random nonsense>? nvm then.

I'm now currently playing The Witcher 2 and FableIII
My First Impression of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings.
Well, what could i say other than I WAS BLOWN AWAY BY THE AWESOME GRAPHICS~!
The Witcher 2 Continues from where The Witcher left off. A Game which i still have yet to finish... Anyways, Geralt(The Main Character) is a Witcher.
"Witchers are monster-hunters who receive special training and have their bodies modified at an early age to provide them with supernatural abilities so they can kill extremely dangerous monsters and survive. These modifications (which involve herbal preparations, magic potions and virus inoculations) leave them with inhuman reflexes, dexterity and the ability to open and contract their pupils at will (giving them improved night-vision). These modifications also leave them sterile and they are said to be completely devoid of human emotions (this is later discovered to be false). Witchers are mistakenly called "mutants", although their condition is not congenital.<~Wiki
Oh how i love wiki, they do give alot of precise information on the go for absolutely free 8D
Aneways~* The story is based on a Polish novel called "Ostatnie życzenie" which is from the "
Wiedźmin" series authored by Andrzej Sapkowski Whom i am a big fan of 8D

Then there's Fable III by LionHead Studios(Microsoft)
The BrainChild of Peter Molyneux. Whom also did the Dungeon Keeper Series, The Black&White Series, Populous, and many other fantastic games. One of The brightest innovators of the gaming industry. he is famous for making one of the very first "God-Games" Where you can control the game on a large scale, as an entity with divine/supernatural powers, as a great leader, or with no specified character, and places them in charge of a game setting containing autonomous characters to guard and influence. So to me, He's the Father of all "God Games"
Fable III Starts a few years after Fable II in which you control either a Prince/Princess whom is the Son/Daughter of The Hero of Fable II(The character one plays in Fable II).

To put all these information in a nutshell,
What i was trying to say is that. I'll be busy playing these few games for a couple o' games for the next few days. And i'll also be busy due to University. Which starts in 4 days. So, ttfn and PEACE OUT~!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Finally have i finished 歌月十夜. But still, i have yet to unlock every cg.. so it's time to replay it again...
That's also the reason of my absence of blogging =.=ll
anyways, More underway in 2 days...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Something cheesy...

Let's see if i can write anything cheesily stupid today...


Snowdrops falling on my head
As i lay on snow
Yellow in Color
It smelled Horrible.
It was Urine.

Randomness of today.

  • Why does ignorant people give retarded comments..?
    17 minutes ago · ·

    Wanna know what happened 8D?

    Muhammed Al Baghdadi:
    i hate that eminem
    he is a bitch who sings with akon and 50 cent and some other rappers which i hate sooo much rap=shit metal is da best

    Me:shit metal =.=ll

    Muhammed Al Baghdadi:
    kenneth that ur opinion but the metal is the most favourite genre to people i dun care about what people say but its the most popular genre in the world

    Me: nonono.. what i meant was the fact that you said shit metal means that either you're ignorant or you just hate Rap...
    or you forgot to use punctuation marks*

    Muhammed Al Baghdadi:
    i said RAP=SHIT metal is da best*

    * i said RAP=SHIT metal is da best* which means either,
    "Rap= shit metal is the best" or" Rap= shit. Metal is the best..."
    please correct the way you write ^_^
    Plus, where did you get the "metal is the most favourite genre to people" fact from? I doubt Everyone likes Metal*

    Muhammed Al Baghdadi:
    do u know that the last concert of slipknot go 250 or 300 thousand people in the U.S.A

    lolz ken-kun :3 XD i didn't know that a fight will get out of a eminem song :P

    Muhammed Al Baghdadi:
    nooo i can answer
    if he has some questions i would answer it without a fight but with facts

    Last concert from slipknot was only 250-300 thousand...? and only the people from USA?
    That's small compared to Jean Michel-Jarre's Concert which had more than a Million spectators...
    One of them even had around 3 million spectators....
    Facts eh?
    12 minutes ago · · 1 person
  • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken
    Muhammed Al Baghdadi: and who is that ??? and when that concert happened ?

    =.=ll you are indeed ignorant...

    "On 6 September that year the Moscow State University became the backdrop for a spectacular display of image projections, skytrackers and fireworks. The event, celebrating the 850th anniversary of Moscow, was viewed by an audience of about 3.5 million,[57][58] his fourth record for the largest ever outdoor concert audience. The funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, had taken place on the same day, and the composer dedicated "Souvenir of China" to her memory, followed by a well-observed minute's silence."
    taken from wiki

    Muhammed Al Baghdadi :
    WHAT THE HELL ??? WTF born on 24 august 1948 dude do u live in the stone aGE OR WHAT i say who cares who cares he is just a single singer wtf and dude just an advice for uu u love talking right okay i understand but dun write long comment and i finish my comment saying WHO CARES

    :people that aren't ignorant?
    LOL ALSO, He's Not a singer, He's a Composer.

    Muhammed Al Baghdadi:

    You sir, Lost in this argument.

    Muhammed Al Baghdadi :
    and really i dun like calling people ignorants ???? and really how old r u?? u r alot like an old man i hate talking alot so just shut up and i will do the same because there is no point in talking to an old man because he is .....
    10 minutes ago · · 1 person
  • Voon Soon Yoong lol..
    9 minutes ago ·
  • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Last comment by me:
    I'm 17 ish' and Boy you're retarded ^_^
    Also, how old are you? 12-13ish?
    Even though i hate ignorant people,
    What i hate even more is the fact that people don't get their facts straight before commencing an argument that they would only lose in the end and would only whine later on.
    6 minutes ago · · 2 people
  • Amelia Daisy wow.. that guy... so... retarded XD
    5 minutes ago ·
  • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Muhammed Al Baghdadi:
    keep talking to ur self big mouth and there is only one fact that u r old fashioned and love talking alot heheheh burn in hell see ya big mouth kun

    Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken:
    see you soon ^_^
    5 minutes ago · · 2 people
  • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken he even liked my comment =.=ll Doesn't he know the term sarcasm?
    4 minutes ago ·
  • Voon Soon Yoong epic
    4 minutes ago · · 1 person
  • Jfkthesecond Wing Soon win
    4 minutes ago · · 1 person
  • Amelia Daisy yeah.. lol! XD good response ="see you soon ^_^" XDD
    4 minutes ago · · 1 person
  • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken Indeed. ^_^
    Never fuck with me when i'm as bored as hell or i'd just pawn you if you ever get your facts wrong.
    4 minutes ago · · 1 person
  • Jfkthesecond Wing Soon can a girl fuck with you when you are bored or will you just pwn her with facts even though she wants sex?
    3 minutes ago ·
  • Kenneth Hooi Wing Ken that was a rhetoric question.. right?
    about a minute ago ·
  • Jfkthesecond Wing Soon i learned 2 lesson today.
    1: dont fuck with ken
    2: espescially when hes bored
    about a minute ago · · 1 person

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