Monday, December 19, 2011

Well~* So Long Blogger~*

Time to move on~*
As i've said, I have been a person who used blogger's services since 2004. And i have to say, i had fun being around here typing my random nonsensical posts.
Anyways, my new address will be at

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

To tell the truth. . .

I have actually been feeling quite down recently.
Things that have yet to be done. So many things to read, so many things to write. Sights that have yet to be seen by me, people whom i have yet to become acquainted with. I wonder...

Before i continue on with my ramblings, please do note that this is not a plea for help nor something in which i want people to read. I just feel like writing it here as by writing here i would be able to at least take my mind off things...

3.43 AM is the time right now that i am using to start writing here. . .
I have been acting rather odd lately seeing that i still have yet to accomplish anything at the age of 18. (Which by the way was 4 days ago)... And so have i actually came up with something serious that i intend to finish it off. Actually there are five things that's the main priority in my list.

1. Which is to Finish off a Novella/Short story of some sort.
2. To be able to pass my whole Foundation year without any fails or anything on that line.
3. To find someone whom truly understands me.
4. To visit another Country(European) for the last holiday of my Bachelor's Degree.
and lastly,
5. To graduate My Bachelor's degree without looking back as if i wasted my university life doing absolutely nothing.

Being a cynical arse that i am, i doubt there are people who are able to truly gauge or even analyze what i think. But i do consider myself lazy, spineless, egocentric, piece of useless organic substance in which not even an angel could help. . . (As i've said... I'm in a major Depression episode)...
Another thing that may have actually contributed to my self-actualization of my depression may be due to the fact that i don't really feel close to any living person anymore. It's as though we are of different society which holds differing norms. Not accepting how i am as a person. They started to drift further apart. And i may even be the catalyst of this imminent break of their friendship.
In a way, i actually do have 3 circle of acquaintances in the University in which all three of the circles in my opinion is starting to blossom while leaving me. A tiny pod to rot in the very same soil that we were planted on. I myself wonder is this due to the fact that i may have wasted precious time that could have enhance our interpersonal relationship, rejecting events that may lead to us having stronger bond?

Apart from these things that has been bothering me, I actually am a little bit disgusted at myself for not studying efficiently since the starting of this week. The Examination is right around the corner and i am still procrastinating and enjoying my blissful life here in Kampar. Although constantly reminding myself to start revising, i have not been able to do until yesterday morning in which i went to the library to study... (It's 4.14 AM Now).

-More updates to follow soon . . .

Monday, December 12, 2011

Well~* Happy Belated Birthday to me~*

The cake is a lie. I never received any cakes for my birthday... (Forever Alone...)
But nevertheless I'm contented. Why?
1. I got to sleep in my own room.. (Not the kampar one)... I never liked the whether in Kampar and the only time i can really sleep is in an air-conditioned room....

2. Although I actually made a weird adjustment to facebook(In which my birthday's info was gone from facebook)... I still do have friends that remembers my birthday ^_^

3. Type-Moon Ace vol.7 is going to be MINE soon enough XDD Same goes for Fate/Extra CCC~Virgin White box set~[Limited Edition]

4. For now i've saved about 600$ in my Bank account... I've started to actually be cautious on my spendings for the trip that i'm planning on going during the Final semester of my Degree course.

5. I actually visited a clinic yesterday(A clinic that i've never been before). The nurse noticed that it was my Birthday and congratulated me ^_^ Same goes for the doctor~* *HAPPY*

You know what will make me a lot more happier? Being able to pass all of my Finals this semester~! Better start studying like hell now so that i won't suffer in the Fourth Semester =.=ll

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Preparations for the last semester of Degree's trip to either Austria or Germany

Well, after thinking carefully, I've actually came up with an idea to either go vacation in Austria or Germany. In fact, that doesn't sound like a bad idea at all ^_^ Anyways, to do so, i'll have to save around 3.7k-4.7k++ for the AirTicket alone. For other expenses, i'll need at least another 4k++ Which means, i'll need a total of around 9-10k++ in total for the travel expenses + Food and Accommodation.
After calculating my monthly savings, i'll need to save around 250$ Per month + 50$(Emergency Money) which will leave me with another 300$ for my daily expenses. In which 300/30= 10$ Which means that i'll need to only use 10$ per day for the rest of my stay in Kampar. Which could be a feat that i may quit anytime =.=ll.... But still
One Bright side using this money saving method is that i'll be thinner in the matter of months.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dream? part 1

Well, i just woke up from my dream...
In a perspective of another.(Gorgeous girl)
wearing a frilly reddish pink dress and a corsage with a white rose that could be noticed by everyone.
dancing in a ball where the character was invited. (Baroque-era like ballroom).
Then the character excused herself and went out of ball-room
Outside the hall was a magnificent garden in which there was even a maze. She kneeled down and tied the shoelaces of her shoe. its one of those pointe shoes but it covers the legs a little more... as people looks at the character, she blushes and started to feel dizzy( she was wearing a very tight corset) and gets to a fainting room...

i wonder if this'll continue~*

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

. . .

I wonder what's with all the recent bad luck i'm having....
Firstly, as i was cycling on my way to the campus, my derailleur actually messed up and thanks to this... I may have to push my bike from Campus to Newtown =.=ll

Other than that, It's the Tests week and i'm not happy at all... Exam makes me stressful. Stress=Unhappy. Unhapy=Sad. Sad=Fail Tests. Fail Tests= Semster 4. Semster 4= Spend another 1k in my studies >_<. Fail again= Drop-out. Drop-out= Having a job which i can earn a lesser than average salary. Which will result in me being suicidal =.=ll

Anyways, Today= ECS, Tomorrow= Management and Friday it'll be Socialization as a Process.
Then on saturday i'll need to stay back in Kampar to finish off the outline and the first draft of the Academic English Assignment. My chosen topic= Child abuse

So in my case, i'll be researching on the Long-term Effects of Child Abuse on the Victims of Child Abuse.

I'll write my Introduction soon. As i'll also have to study the Heck out of ECS(Effective Communication Skills). Peace Out~!

Ps: Fate/Extra in English has been RELEASED~!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! Now this great news makes me less stressful... Now all i need to do is to download the .iso first and then i'll wait till my Package from arrive to my doorstep and then i'll start playing it XD

Also, If You(My Brother) were to see this post.. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THE PACKAGING. NO OPENDO PACKAGEO Comprende? ^_^

Friday, October 28, 2011

Slow UTAR library comupter is as slow as heck....

Topic: Child Abuse
Controlling Idea: Longterm and Short-term effects of said topic.



Sources found= Online articles,

Miin's Section!!!

Greenhouse Effect is one of the leading causes of Global warming in recent times. It has been researched and analyzed greatly during this century. This paper details the primary causes of Greenhouse effect from industrial sectors in which will affect our Environment Greatly.
One of the primary cause of the Greenouse Effect is the burning of fossil fuels, oil and also gases which produces the Greenhouse Gases(Abbreviated as GSG). These gases traps the heat energy emitted by the Sun. These emissions of the Sun which will be trapped by the GSG will not be able to disperse back into space as easily. When this happens, the warmed air will radiate energy that cause the Earth to stay warm.
Another cause

Monday, October 17, 2011

Rainy day. Yet again

Sitting on my bed writing this pathetic poem,
As i wonder deep in my own thoughts.
Regarding humanity and it's cruelest of mistresses whom,
has no doubt made my life utterly miserable.
For you see for today have i not
been able to satisfy my esurience for mortal foods.

As some tells of rainy days in which
People whom usually commute with only two wheels
are to be wet with drenchness of compounds
The triangular love affair between Hydrogens and Oxygen
Mixing into an orgasm of unique watery drops
Forever copulating repeatedly with unmatchable Fervor

Hath I be able to satisfy my lust,
Of consumption of nourishments to satisfy this hunger
Shall i be able to start laboring assignments
On this rainy day which brings waters beyond
from earthly realms to this wretched watering hole.
Providing supplements for the floras and faunas.

To summarize with the main idea of writing this....
It's raining and if i were to ride my bike to get some food, i'd be drenched in rain... I'm really hungry but i don't want to get wet >_<ll

Friday, October 14, 2011


Life. Is like a cold hearted bitch who fucks up everything and knocks you down at the last second. And when you think it's finally over, it stabs your back and leaves you to bleed... What's worse is that when you think your friends* are there to help you get through it. They'll just push you off a cliff...
Thank whatever it's called tht there's a thing in life called alcohol which is a catalyst to a blissful mind. A Blissful mind which the person affected will not think normally... And i just realized...Why is it that all Happy* people are generally people of lower intelligence and of lower consciousness?
Intelligence in my definition is NOT only based solely on academic results. BUT the ability to think Critically, the ability to decode abstract ideas and thoughts, the willingness to understand and learn, the ability to think rationally and to be able to reason and the ability to control your emotions when dealing with peculiar situations.

Well, My Mind's finally back it's original state

Also, would like to express my gratitude to VSY for the great time i had yesterday~!

Now as you can see. The past few weeks.. well it's been nearly a month, I've been having a brighter* outlook on life in which i may seem to have found someone that i really like. But after a while, it has come to attention that the thought was only temporary. Which by the way is a good thing. I actually learned that she's one of those firm believers of faith in which can't be "desecrated" by my thoughts. Even as far as condemning me when i was trying to be neutral regarding my view on religion.

If you were to truly learn Philosophy, Psychology and even Sociology. You'll definitely know religion is in a way equivalent to a government system whereby the top of the system governs the people who are below the hierarchical system. In which for Christianity it's the pope in which governs the catholic faith. Same rule applies for the government.
Secondly, let us not forget about the iron law of oligarchy in which states that "regardless of how democratic or autocratic they may be at the start, will eventually and inevitably develop into oligarchistic systems.  The reasons behind the oligarchization process are: the indispensability of leadership; the tendency of all groups, including the organization leadership, to defend their interests; and the passivity of the led individuals more often than not taking the form of actual gratitude towards the leaders."
"The indispensability of leadership, the tendency of all groups, including the organization leadership, to defend their interests; and the passivity of the led individuals more often than not taking the form of actual gratitude towards the leaders." <~ In a way this does really seem to define Religious faiths. 

You see. If i were to actually try to insult a religion. It'll be a piece of cake. But during that class, The only thing that i have stated is that "Religion may be figments of imaginations for people". That is what i believe in and i never intended to insult any audiences which may have misinterpreted my meaning. But whatever is is, It has rid me of my disease in which have i been inflicted the past couple o' weeks. Therefore this truly deserves my gratitude and i humbly thank you for ridding yourself from my mind.

Now... if i were to really think about it... If theists actually criticize negatively without any relevant information, would that not be considered a hate crime against Atheists?  Now what i would really like to know is that if i were to just state something neutrally without any hate against theists but they were to reciprocate with Hate messages... Why aren't they wrong? Why are we the only ones that are wrong? Is not having a religion wrong?
In comparison to Christianity, i really do want to know how many violent acts have been made by Atheists?
  • Religions sometimes use war, violence, and terrorism to promote their religious goals
  • Religious leaders contribute to secular wars and terrorism by endorsing or supporting the violence
  • Religious fervor is exploited by secular leaders to support war and terrorism

  • To summarize on what is mentioned at the above, Religion. In my opinion, is a very NEGATIVE social institution in which informations which misleads people can spread widely among it's believers.

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    Over-Analyzing the anal*yzer..

    Okey. Now if i were to "over-analyze" which i would eventually regarding all conversations due to the fact that i'm somewhat an over-analyzer who actually dreams of being a psychologist someday~*

    Anyways, what i can see over there regarding the way he was talking is in a way. Defensive. Now how do i characterize a defensive conversation. It is when one actually tries very hard to hide something in which he is not able to hide due to his innate inability to fake a special characteristics in a conversation.

    Looking at the original post. One can actually see that he is is only stating a special symbol in which relates to my so called "Fragile mind" and worries that i might somehow get "out-of-Hand". I wonder how out of hand[Sarcasm] can i get from him saying those things that will somehow "Hurt my Feelings".

    "anyways dont think this personal its just sometimes you just take things too hard thats all so i worry for you that you might just get out of hand your pretty fragile but dont take this the wrong way im just tell you thats all " Personal eh? I wonder how much does he really knows me regarding my twisted personality of constantly "Judging and criticizing" other people XDD But Truth be told he really does have a point there due to the fact that i'm closely analyzing the way he writes the replies.
    I really don't know why but all the replies points to the fact that he's trying his very best to either not "Hurt me" or just to hide the fact that he actually did delete his post after my comments.

    Will Re-edit this post to post more observable things in this conversation.

    PS: If you want to know what i actually wrote in Facebook~* It's the same thing in which i wrote in the previous post~*

    ~* The Original Post - Not Edited in any way.

    ok dude we need to talk
    you are not the only friend i have on facebook

    =.=ll Anyways.. What's so bad about a little criticism? If they can't take it. Just Ignore them~* What's so wrong about giving a little bit of critism
    regarding your deleted comment*

    well its my right isnt it


    so if they said that they dislike it
    so i feel bad for them so i delete the post

    "well its my right isnt it " Ah~* Now that i cannot argue~*

    dude even if you want to start an argument i dont mind but all im saying is that you were not the cause of it you did not start it


    if you still do not believe me then that is your rights and that is your thinking

    i believe ya~*
    what's there not* to believe o.0~?

    i dont know because you posted that status on your wall seems to be like you are thinking you started it

    It was just on my mind =.=ll

    but all im saying is that its not you, you did not start it

    i actually wrote that before you posted your new post =.=ll i just have not posted it yet~*
    was* actually a blogpost~*
    on* blogspot

    but dude its like 9 minuts ago and its preety much like after my post
    as in after i deleated the post so im just scaptical
    but anyways the past is the past just telling you because i dont want you to get the wrong idea

    Blogpost~* Writing in blog ~> Copy Paste~*
    Then Edit in Blog- Post in Facebook

    yes i know


    anyways dont think this personal its just sometimes you just take things too hard thats all
    so i worry for you that you might just get out of hand
    your pretty fragile
    but dont take this the wrong way im just tell you thats all

    mm hmm~*
    aren't you being a little wee bit defensive there?

    as in

    what you're actually writing points to the fact that i may get hurt a lot just due to a little misunderstanding~*

    true i mean from years of being friend you have been like that

    oh really~*

    but dont take it personal
    thats all im saying

    okey then~*

    i mean remember that time i just tag you one a picture and i did say things but not that hard and then you deleted and block me on facebook. Kindda like that

    okey then So now... Why are you still trying to convince me to take it personal although i'm trying to point out the fact that it's already okey~?

    because im still worried for you man
    scared you cant handle it
    anyways i got to go now anyways
    so i'll see you some other time

    uh huh.


    Criticize me or even hate me however you want. But i myself will never change for things that are deemed irrelevent for my standards. The way i think as someone of free will will never change. Criticism? Why should i be afraid of criticism. The only bad thing i get from criticism is well... Nothing... Compared to the knowledge that i'll be getting from the judgement of the merits and faults by others

    As I've stated.
    "if someone wants to start an argument over something. Why do they have to point fingers at who's the one that shall start the argument? I mean.. Come on, If there's something wrong in your opinion. Just grow a pair and State what's wrong for god sakes.."

    Criticism is always important for the growth of knowledge. unless you're a person of low intellect whom only wants other's attention by just posting shit and gets angry easily due to little criticism*

    What i think of* Moral Education conducted in Schools

    Moral Education eh?
    I myself always have believed that the subject Morality is always based on subjectivism. Which is why teaching Morality in Secondary school may already be deemed useless by most people as they are smart enough to know that not everyone has to abide by the chains of morality as Morality itself is a barrier towards a higher level of thinking*. <~ That's only my opinion so criticize me if you want to*

    subjectivism* Definition= "a philosophical tenet that accords primacy to subjective experience as fundamental of all measure and law. In extreme forms like Solipsism, it may hold that the nature and existence of every object depends solely on someone's subjective awareness of it"

    To summarize what i've stated earlier.. rather than a catalyst to good conduct and behavior, Moral education is in a way.. Not that useful...

    Humans... The only creature which invents false-beliefs, kills each other not for survival but for other purposes and holds vast amounts of incredible conscious analytical decision-making skills in which can even be accessed in the nick-of-time... Creatures capable of mass destruction. We deem other form of creatures as monsters but when we were to think about it.. We are actually monsters ourselves.. Just look deep down into your own subconsciousness and you'll be able to access information and ideas far from the reaches of other species.. Logic. I wonder if this is something in which will evolve into another plane of consciousness in which no one has even dared to think of.

    Thursday, October 6, 2011

    This is the fourth time that my Bodily clock went haywire and thought that it was Morning although it's 8-11.00PM... WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME?

    Monday, October 3, 2011

    Wondering my consciousness.

    The emptiness that resides within my thoughts is nothing more than just a small  flicker of an imagination in which i myself reside in. Sometimes the gap gets smaller as social networks closes the gaping hole in which nothingness resides. Without the usual psychological terms, it'll be a lot harder to actually describe it.... Or so as i thought.
    To plainly describe,
    Emptiness within my thoughts are normally something in which there's absolutely empty space which is filled by nothing but void. This so called "Void" in which nothing can fill can only be temporarily closed with thoughts that are deemed to be sinful. Thoughts in which not many people dare to imagine, let alone think of.
    Thoughts of violating the norms of society, to be deviant, imaginative, changing what people think. Forever tainting their thoughts with nothing but pure darkness in which the void could be spread. Forever spreading across different individuals in which nothing can be done to curb this disease.
    But recently, a sparkle of desire actually widened the gap in which nothingness exist. The desire to obtain something in which i doubt could be grasped with my own Mortal hands. My hands which is tainted by this darkness. If i were to be able to hold this shining thing in which is full of pureness. I'd definitely spoil it without second thought. In which it'll also be as corrupted as i am. The more pure an object is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt the object. Object in which is Living, Pure, Unsoiled, Peculiar, Unique?

    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    I'm getting more and more tired as days go by. This is really a tiresome semester... Anyways, 12 more weeks left before I finish the second semester... In which i WILL* pass all the subjects with at least a B.
    Anyways, I'm really happy with this and the last week because.
    Firstly, I've pre-ordered Fate/Extra from Playasia. Although it's not the Limited-edition copy, It's still my first original PSP game in which i payed myself ^_^
    Secondly, Mom actually bought me a new phone ^_^ Thanks Mom&Dad
    Thirdly, I'm still happy anticipating the release of MahouTsukai no Yoru”魔法使いの夜”

    All in all tis' been a reallly happy week ^_^

    1:49A.M 4th October 2011 Edit:
    Also Pre-ordered Fate/Extra CCC~TYPE-MOON Virgin White box-set~ ^_^
    Really. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy.

    Thursday, September 22, 2011

    What i should be attaining and what i should/should not be doing

    Re-Managing my goals yet again for UTAR
    Let's see.
    Firstly there's my own personal rule of not going to any clubs till i reach the age of 18+ which is coming around in 3 months time. Then there's always the rule of drinking but not till the level of being drunk.
    Thirdly, Never miss a class.(Missing a class or being late to one will definitely cost me a lot. There's just too much stuff being thought in the lectures and tutorials.)... Other than that. There's actually a lot more things that i should be doing and such. So i'll just list down one by one.
    1.Clubbing ~> Definite No till i reach the age of 18
    2. Drinking~> Okey. But Not binge drinking. and definitely not drinking till i'm drunk.
    3. Class ~> Never miss one and try hard to not be late for one.
    4. Tests~> A week before tests= No going out with friends unless it's for study purpose.
    5. Computer~> Only use for facebooking for information and searching for other information
    6. Stocks~> Try to learn how to invest in stocks that's profitable.
    7. Sexual Harassment~> Try not to over-do it.
    8. Sleeping~> Must be/try to sleep at 2.00 and before.
    9. Notes~> Make my own notes.(Micro/MacroEconomics, Management is a MUST).
    10. Friends~> Not to piss them off nor alienating them(But not to overindulge in social networks).

    On a side-note..... I just woke up around 1.30 just now and i thought it was 1.30PM.... If you know'd definitely know how will i be like when things like these occur... I panicked.. i bathed... i completed everything and i was about to get to school.... until i realize it was AM... HOW EMBARRASSING WAS THAT! =.=ll
    At least i'm not late for class =.=ll

    Tuesday, September 20, 2011

    Stocks and Shares Part one.

    I've recently started learning about stocks for the OSK Investment Challenge(Campus edition).
    Investing on stocks has actually piqued my interest a long time ago and now i'm able to try this with virtual money. That means that i won't be paying for any losses i do. So it's time to Start learning about stocks~!
    First to be on my read-list

    Anyways, The start of the second semester~! HELL TO THE YEAH~!

    Anyways, i had my first Academic English lecture and t'was pretty boring =.=ll
    nevermind that.. I'll finish it with at least a B no matter what~!!!!
    Tomorrow's the second lecture for A.English and also the First lecture for Socialization as a Process.

    Investments, Lectures, Tutorials, Mid-terms, Tests, Examinations, Scarcity, Opportunity cost, what else?
    I'm really startin to really LOVE this serene yet special time in which there's so many pleasant encounters.
    To my friends residing in Ipoh. Although there may be times in which i won't be available, please do note that I have some stuffs to do in Kampar in which i'll not be able to attend to events and things.
    To my friends in Kampar(University friends). If i'm not available, do note that i sometimes have to self-study because by self-studying i can multi-task at once.

    PS:I'm also eating lesser and lesser.... 2-1 meals per-day... Jogging/Cycling on Mondays. At least for 2 hours o.0~*

    Now i can actually safely say that i am actually turned-on by
    • Glasses
    • Intelligence
    • Introverted personality
    • aged close to mine XD
    This is awkward =.=ll I REALLY NEED TO GET A LIFE SOON~!

    As for Clubbing... I actually promised myself to not goto places like those(Except for pubs) until i reach the age of 18 or older* Therefore i don't think i'll be joining you guys(Yoko,Eugene,Renee,Andrael)

    Friday, September 16, 2011



    1.PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS                    C+
    2. BASIC ENGLISH                                          A
    3.CRITICAL THINKING                                  B+
    5.MATHEMATICS FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE    B-  <~ I thought i was a goner for sure with my Maths.
    GPA  3.1100

    I'M SO HAPPY I CAN ACTUALLY SHOUT IT OUT TO THE WHOLE WORLD~!!! Whoever said that Boys can't express their happiness XD

    Anyways. Time to write about my next semester's schedule.
    Firstly, due to myself having Mondays off for the whole Semester 2, I think i would either be jogging or doing some other activities during the morning and study till evening ^_^  Man, I <3 having days off.
    Secondly, Due to myself picking the timetable which enables me to have a day off which is on Mondays, my Tuesdays till Friday for the whole semester will all start at 8.00 in the Morning. Thus concluding that I'll need to wake up around 6.30 in the Morning from the Tuesdays to the Fridays of my whole semester two.

    Looking back, Semester one was HELLUVA FUN~!!!! THANKS Benny(Benny Boii), Linkin[LOL]Goh(雨城), Eugene(Eugene Koh), Troy(Kin Tuan Troy), Yoko(Yoko Tang Yen Yee), Alex(Alex Yang), Sarah(Sarah Michelle Chu), Sonia(Sonia Sasha Mathew), Miin(RongMiin Tan) , Stanley(Stanley Ho Ming Foong)
    And also Manggo(Manggo Yuan) for the food ^_^ t'was nice and i really enjoyed the meal 8D

    Now Moving on to what i did during my semester break.
    1. I visited the Teachers of my Secondary school with my friend whom I'm acquainted with during my secondary school days Mr.SevenOnions(Seven Cheah) and i even got to chat a lil' with the current Form 5 Students XD... Although i wonder where the heck did Richard(Claudius Choiseul) went =.=ll Never got to see him that day...

    2. I GOT MAH RESULTS AND WAS REALLY HAPPY on Thursday 15th of September around 9.25 P.M

    3. Regaining my sanity back a few hours later after the euphoric sensation of Adrenaline gushing into my brains when i checked my results.

    4. Learned how to play "Wonderwall" and also "Don't look back in Anger" by Oasis <~ I LOVE THEM~!!!

    5. Checked the Price of a Guzheng, a Sax and also a Keyboard  [Both the Guzheng and Sax costs around 2k+] While the Keyboard costs around 4-7k. (Maybe i should check the price of the Roland Keytar)...

    6. Arranged my Schedule for next semester.

    7. Prepared Everything for my next semester~! (FULL FLEDGED STUDY MODE FOR A SCORE OF 3.6~!!!)

    8. Finding some free time to chat with Shauny(Shauna Brewer)

    9. Finding more free time to write this blogpost XD

    10. Listening to more old songs~*

    What i never got to do during this sem-break >_<ll
    1. Visiting my fav* cousin (Paik Suan Quah)

    2. Reading the books that i've bought....

    3. Learning some simple words from some random foreign language <~ Well.. i'm learning one everyday so scratch that.

    4. Yum-Cha'ing with my school acquaintances in Ipoh >_<ll

    5. Getting Enough Sleep... =.=ll (Boy am i actually tired)

    6. A lot of other stuffs.

    But all in all. I'll just conclude all of what i've stated above with a sentence.
    Goodbye Semester 1 of Foundation studies. HELLO SEMESTER TWO. よろしくお願いします。

    Friday, September 9, 2011

    Finally, The godforsaken stress has been lifted

    Well, Examinations for my first semester has ended. Now i will try to enjoy my holidays fully by doing this
    11th Sept. Sunday~> Rest
    12th Sept.Monday~> Meet up with Former Form2-5 Teachers.
    13th-18th Sept.Tuesday-Sunday~> Kuala Lumpur! for some special reasons~!
    19th Sept.Monday~> Rest day in Kampar (Aren't there any classes?If you still don't know why. Check my Timetable XDD)

    Anyways. Regarding the examination, T'was hard but I think I should be able to pass everything including maths (Hopefully[Fingers Crossed]). If I'm actually able to pass my maths. The rest of my academic semester will definitely be a piece of Cake~!

    Next Semester. The subjects that i will need to take=
    1. Academic English <~ Too bad i still can't remember what are the English terms(Nouns,Adverbs. etc.etc.etc.)

    2. Socialization as a Process <~ Looking forward to it

    3. Management <~ I wonder what does this teach. No matter. I'll give it my best shot

    4. Micro and Macro Economics <~ Still Looking forward to studying Economics~!

    5. Effective Communication Skills <~ New subject that's like Critical Thinking o.0~?

    Regarding the Examination. In my opinion, the hardest was Mathematics for Social Science, and Principles of Economics. Then Academic english was okey. Same goes for Critical Thinking and Sociology~!

    I'll update this blog in a jiffy~

    Saturday, September 3, 2011

    Tis' been a long time

    Tis' been a long time since I've posted stuffs here. This is probably due to my Upcoming Finals for this semester. So let's take a look at my overall understanding of the 5 subjects.
    1. Principles of Economics 60%
    2. Basic English 55%
    3. Critical Thinking 60%
    4. Maths for Social Science 30% <~ I MUST PASS THIS SUBJECT AT ALL COST.
    5. Sociology 65%

    So. because of t his I won't be posting any stuffs here till after the exam. Which is on the 8th of September.

    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    But then... a day after during my break..

    I somehow managed to change my class schedule so it became like..
    And I'm Lovin' It~!
    Also... Had to come back from Campus after 8.00 (>_<) due to Sociology and Basic english's Replacement Lectures...
    No Matter.. As long as i'm satisfied with my Class schedule, Everything's going to be okey~*

    Time to revise for my Final examination~!!!

    Well, After a whole goddamn day of...

    Waiting to register for the Next semester's Class Schedule
    This is how it turned out...
    Worst of all... I'm not even in the same tutorial as my group =.=ll well, twas' 24th of August when that happened...

    Monday, August 15, 2011

    Boundaries of emptiness. Part 2.

    As i start to Wonder and contemplate about life and how empty it is, I actually realized that through emptiness that one can actually find the the thought of having infinite ideas just pouring out of the space which was originally devoid of emotions, thoughts, feelings, yearnings and such. Having the possibility of developing new thoughts or ideas will lead us to think about what we actually want.
    "Want" in which we shall relate with the main drives of humans. which are Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and also Pride. Although you may remember these are the so called "Seven Deadly Sins" taken from a book called "The Bible". Do Not forget that it is normal for humans to indulge in those seven so called "sins". Why does human indulge in Gluttony, lust and greed? Why must humans be like a sloth, and has wrath, pride and envy?
    Tis' actually simple if you were to understand what humans need. Humans must reproduce so that their species can continue to live on throughout time. Humans are gluttons as our ancestors actually ate to survive and thus it is embedded in our instincts to eat to survive. Accumulating fat which is an energy reserve so that we are able to work. Being greedy as it actually benefits ourselves. That said, Humans actually wants 'Relationships, families and such is actually due to the fact that we want benefits from them. Try asking yourself this. Would your parents give birth to you without expecting something in return? That being said, I can actually explain a whole lot more on why the other sins occur.

    To the people who questions me and why would i write these things? I'd be happy to oblige with answering your question. I myself believe that nothing is Moral and immoral. It is fact that people sin. And it is a fact that people believe that sinning would result in us being condemned to internal damnation. But let's just think for once that there's no such thing as hell, nor even heaven. Will the majority not start sinning?
    With this i can actually conclude that having a religion in a way is a type of social control in which the believers conform to the formal and informal norms written and governed by the church. Which will lead to a thing which is what sociologists calls "GroupThink" whereby religious people will normally blindly follow the majority races without questioning their actions and such.

    The definition of "Groupthink" is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within groups of people. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative ideas or viewpoints

    With this i can actually conclude that people who has religion is actually blinded by religion itself and disables them to think for themselves but to think for the benefits of the society. You can say that the thinking for the overall society is a good thing, but i would like to ask you. Dear readers. Is it really necessary to follow every single rules set by religion? Is it necessary to just follow what the group says without thinking and carefully evaluate the alternatives or the viewpoint of other people?

    With what I've written above. I'll end my thoughts for today and conclude here stating. "To be continued"

    Sunday, August 14, 2011

    Boundaries of emptiness.

    I wonder how far can my mind wonder off to knowing well that everywhere i go in my mind, there will always be a blockade that persistently ruin the fundamental experience of consciousness traversing the depth of my unconsciously nihil world of nothingness.
    Which is the origin of every single thought that have i come up with. Till now as i write, sober i am from the wondrous world of nightmarish dreams nor the agonizing yet tranquil serenity that i had long time ago.
    I myself start to wonder... Am i normal for thinking this? Is this really myself writing this or is this my consciousness screaming for help? Or is this just an individual contemplating about life, death, and nothingness?

    To be Continued.

    Saturday, August 13, 2011


    Sometimes you just wonder back to the time of your life when you were actually enjoying stuffs without even have to think of Governmental issues, environmental and health problems, or even tests.
    How i wish i could just turn back the clock and forget all of the stress and such that has accumulated these past few years.
    But tis' will never happen as time is still moving forward. Thus, we'll have to do out best even though we yearn for something lost in the flow of time.

    Friday, August 12, 2011

    Current view of life.

    Social Network.. A connection of unknown people bound by social connections where one leads to infinite possibilities. And because of that there'll bound to be probabilities in which i get to meet moronic assholes...
    The more i understand life.. The more i despise life.
    Tis' begs the question of myself wondering how can some people actually be happy living in this dissociating world of Despise, Hate, Fear, Greed.
    But tis' to be said. That i myself is a person living in this world.
    Therefore I myself also i quite despicable to even i myself.
    But the fact remains. Although you sometimes might question me on why am i thinking too negatively/pessimistically.
    My answer would simply be: I myself enjoy this dysfunctional view of the world as it is what i perceive this world as. As a place filled with sadness. As a place filled with dark/otherworldly intentions.